Saturday, March 12, 2016


Another fix needed (the beauty about being over 60 is your body loves to let you know what you've been doing wrong). As I seemed to have successfully ID'ed the cause and fix of my weak right knee (weak glutes from under utilizing one of those muscles basically my whole life) I am encouraged there is a cure to my walking posture. Recently realized to walk at a brisk pace I have to slouch over. Initial research indicates this can result from weak core muscles. (This is a relatively new problem and could be that my work to fix my knew resulted in some muscle imbalance.)

Going to also mention some things recently learned (or re-learned) about good posture and feeling energized in general (since poor posture has been associated with feeling under energized as well as generally depressed and more negative). (I can now close these browser tabs that I've been keeping around to remember to do this stuff!)

Dr. Jolie Bookspan appears to offer much free information although getting to the articles is a bit tricky. Her articles have had the images removed. These are the Fixer Fitness ones at Healthline. Her current shares are via Twitter and the linked articles may have the images intact. Her web site is another source - but still some of the images are gone. Once I figure this out - I'll update here. Unsure if her books are useful, as some of the Amazon reviews indicate issues with images, and that the info seems to have been pulled from her articles (and thus are somewhat poorly arranged  /  indexed).
Jolie Bookspan on twitter
Her web site
Fixing 'sway back' issues and more

These some of the quick moves that refresh the body and helps increase alertness; they can also 'feed' self control:
  • Clench and release fists (as in making a Yes! move) while moving fists above the shoulder line. 
  • Stretch out arms straight while engaging the shoulders.
Posture reminders from Canyon Ranch
Some ideas from Amy Cuddy 

Positive Portions - a health blog with a thank you to Jolie Bookspan

Nothing about posture - well, maybe attitude posture for 'hard conversations': The Aikido of Mindful Communication 

Lanolin for these eyes

Life gets trickier when skin is unhappy. For a few years I've had itchy eyelids, especially in the corners of my eyes. Also, my eyes watered nearly constantly, and was pretty sure it wasn't because my 'drainage channels' are blocked (the only solution proposed by my doctors). With time, I eliminated causes / solutions. Nothing worked until 1) started mixing my own moisturizers (adding now that the itchy skin was also pretty scaly). High quality food oils didn't seem to help. Forget why but tried lanolin - and that started improving things. (Shea around the eyes bothers me.)

Lanolin is part of my cure.

It is too stiff to use as a lotion thus trying our various oil additions. I've currently settled on grape seed oil and hemp oil. Getting better but still a bit scaly. Read, read, and read more.

Yeast overgrowth? I was actually happy to find out testing wasn't useful --- no need to feel guilty about continuing the self diagnosis / continuing with un-moderated science experiments on my only body.  Having used tea tree oil without issue around my eyes (common 'cure' for excess demodex around eyes).

Hurrah! The End (mostly) of watery eyes and scaly skin! Done and done.     

I've also discovered that basically any type of skin soap bothers the eye skin of mine. I've tried many many kinds. See another post here for some ideas of what they might be.